I am Renée, certified quantum energy healing practitioner and founder of Oceanica: energy healing that makes waves! I offer healing sessions and energy coaching.
I have been a passionate self-directed explorer of the frontiers of my mind, body, and soul for as long as I can remember and an enthusiastic advocate for self-healing.
I am an adept certified quantum energy healing practitioner using Quantum-Touch® combined with the gift of second sight (energetic clairvoyance).
I implement these powerful skills to support my clients both in person and via distance all over the world in finding relief from physical and emotional issues, in rediscovering their vibrant life-force energy, and in taking full responsibility
for their own health, healing, and happiness.
Following their sessions with me, clients have reported relief from pain, improved sleep, deep relaxation, emotional release, boosted energy, clarity of mind, reduced anxiety, inexplicable optimism,
and an overall sense of lightness and joyful well-being. Some of my clients have even reported miraculous shifts in their outlook on life itself. Scroll down the page for testimonials.
My clients also often experience delightful synchronicities, unexpected opportunities, great luck, and other surprises and 'coincidences' from the universe while working with me. These are powerful indicators that they are harmonizing with the flow of Life-Force Energy and that they are tapped in to the fabric of universal love that connects us all.
Join me in the exciting exploration and self-empowering world of quantum energy healing and thriving.
I am delighted to work with you!
Much love,
Experience quantum energy healing sessions with me from anywhere in the world!
I love working with clients all over the globe. I currently offer both in-person and distance sessions. The distance sessions can take place via phone, Messenger (written only), email, or Skype (audio or video) so that you can experience the power of energy healing from the comfort of your home and work with me no matter where you are located.
I am also happy to travel anywhere in the world to work with clients. Simply message me for custom packages.
The booking system allows for easy conversion of time zones and I offer a flexible calendar with a variety of time slot options.
Click the BOOK NOW button to view the session options and to purchase.
Just shifting your energy can transform any situation, circumstance, relationship, or issue. It is like going into the inner coding of your being, installing new coding, and then living the shift sometimes instantly. Frustrated with life? Tired of being an empath and picking up all the energies around you? In a funk and want to turn things around? You have the extraordinary power within you already! Let's get to it.